SABA: South African Bow Hunters Association



Advantage System

Note - this system removes all effects related to equipment from the neto score. This implies that ALL participants take part on an equal footing. It also equalize "experience" and "ability"... It awards ONLY improvement. Calculation: Initial Advantage = 80 - first score new Advantage = ( 80 - last score + 4× advantage ) ÷5 Note that any fraction is dropped (NOT rounded). ex. Say you current adv is -2, and you just shot 94%. (Giving you a net score for this shoot of 92% of course) Your new advantage is then ( 80 - 94 + 4×(-2)) ÷5 = (80 - 94 - 8) /5 = -22/5 = -4. The maximum allowed advantage is +25. You must have shot 4 shoots before you can take part in the advantage league. You can use last year's advantage and simply continue with it. Add the advantage value to your score, to calculate your net score. If you get more than 80%, you improved, else not. The hunter with the highest score (which may be above 100), has shown the most improvement. The nice things about this system: * Simple, even juniors can do it * You can calculate your new advantage without historical data * Older shoots counts less the older they get / Recent shoots are more influential * Everybody competes on the same level! No classes needed. * Archers with a VERY low average cannot hog the system by suddenly shooting just average.


If your advantage is negative (a handicap), you normally shoot above 80%. The biggest handicap is -20, but then you must shoot 100% for all shoots. The biggest advantage, by definition, is 25. If you have a net score above 80%, you are improving. Yes, the closer your handicap is to -20, the more difficult it is to win the handicap division. This is simply because if you are close to -20, you should be competing in the "main event", based on excellence... (FITA uses the following: The record score minus average of 5 last scores.)