3D Competitions and the format of SABA shoots

All SABA competitions are done using 3D targets, set up in the field. We cater for young and old. Our Cubs Class is all preschoolers. Primary school students will fall under junior and from Gr. 8 (secondary school) is considered Senior. Open class category will come into effect when your stabilizer exceeds 12 inches or if you have a field point on your arrow. Only fixed broadheads and mechanical broadheads will be allowed in the hunters class with a stabilizer 12 inches and shorter. Currently the stabilizer length is set on 12 inches. There are 20 targets, and you shoot one arrow at each. We move in groups of 5 around the course, and always starts with a "shotgun" start - i.e. we all move onto the course, and then starts shooting and rotating targets. Everyone is welcome to forward any constructive suggestions regarding the SABA broadhead shoots. We recognize the "lung area" as the killzone. The killzone has no value, as the peg from where you decide to take the shot, will determine the value if your arrow hit the target. There will be 5 pegs at different distances from the target. Each peg will be marked with a value to it from 1-5 points. No.1 peg being the closest and easiest shot, No. 5 peg being the most difficult shot for that target. You as the competitor, can decide from which peg you want to take the shot for scoring the most points. There will be an area marked inside the lung area what we call the "sweet spot". Should you hit that area you mark your score card with a "X" and the value of the peg from which the shot was taken. If the arrow hits the target outside the "killzone" you score "-1", if you miss the target completely you score "-2" For the Traditional Archer the scoring is different. The value of the pegs range from 3-7. No.3 peg being the closest and easiest and No.7 peg being the most difficult. If the arrow hit the target outside the "killzone" you score "2" points, if you miss the target completely you score "0" points The point scoring system for cubs and the junior class is currently under review for 2015. We will keep you posted Should a archer new to the 3D target competition feel that he or she does not want to compete in the hunters class, and is older than 10 years, he or she may start in Open Class. The different classes are as follow. 1. Cubs(Preschool)......................male/female.................fieldpoint 2. Hunters Class (Here we do not have male/female or jnr/snr).................fixed/mechanical broadhead 3. Open Class............................male/female.................fieldpoint/stabilizer >12 inches 4. Traditional..............................male/female.................fixed broadhead(HUNTERS CLASS)/fieldpoint(OPEN CLASS) Certificate of excellence. 1. Hunters class............................80% and up 2. Open class...............................90% and up Pre-registration: Pre-registration is available. This decreases the admin before the shoot. The PRE-RIGISTER link takes you directly to a form that is filled in online, and your data is submitted directly into SABA's database! All you need to do is arrive with the necessary fees.