
The last AGM was held 15 February 2014 Items discussed: New Scoring system : minus 2 for a miss. We also adopted a score of +2 for the traditional archers. Changes to the constitution were discussed and accepted: Allowing one committee member to take on responsibilities of more than one role. Making provision for a President position, that is tasked with hunting matters (and BProC) and coordination between clubs. New SABA membership fees: First family member: R350 Second family member: R250 all other family members for free. Club affiliation conditions: the club must submit a constitution. the club must submit a member list. Clubs affiliated pays R120 per member - so members of affiliated clubs in effect only pay R120 to become SABA members. Certificates: It was decided to lift the criteria for certificates for Fieldpoints to 90%. For Mechanicals and Broadheads, we will now indicate the class, and award it on 80%